One Thous和 Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



If you've already completed 21 or more hours of undergraduate Bible coursework, the 高级神学硕士(MDiv) is your faster pathway to ministry! At just 61 hours of coursework with the opportunity for a nine-hour specialization, this residential program 将 equip you for effective local church 和 global ministry. Up to 30 hours of your prerequisite work 将 be recognized, so you can focus on growing in knowledge of God's Word 和 applying it within your ministry.

You'll experience the Advanced MDiv degree within a vibrant, comprehensive Christian university setting here at Cedarville. 在学习期间, you can be assured that you're pursuing a degree wholly committed to biblical authority, 大使命, 和 to equipping the next generation of 领袖s for the local church.

请求的信息 安排预约


  • 保守的神学

    Be equipped for ministry by professors committed to the authority of Scripture.
  • 实际事工经历

    指导, 指导部门, 和 实习生ships are built into the program to equip you holistically to fulfill your high calling.
  • 负担得起的

    负担得起的 学费 和 southwest Ohio's reasonable cost of living make Cedarville’s MDiv an affordable choice.



综合性大学 — Consider the advantages of preparing for vocational ministry at a comprehensive Christian university. While being taught by outst和ing Bible scholars, you’ll rub shoulders on campus 和未来的老师, 工程师, 护士, 广播公司, 和 more — the kinds of people who’ll be part of your ministry for years to come. And, Cedarville offers an array of cultural, athletic, 和 social activities for you 和 your family 享受.

美丽的环境 - - - 圣经和神学研究中心 将 be the hub for your Master of Divinity program on our campus in southwest Ohio. 这个两层的结构以讲道实验室为特色, 教员办公室套房, 协作的房间, 计算机实验室, 电子邮件站, 圣经资料馆, 和 休息室和售货区.

部门的经验 -有效的事工需要的远不止头脑知识. 你需要一颗纯洁的心和一双熟练的手. 指导, guided weekend ministries, 和 实习生ships are built into the program to assure you 是否完全准备好去完成你崇高的呼召. Churches in the local community as well as on-campus ministries offer excellent opportunities to disciple, 引领, 实习生, 和服务.

合理价格 ——竞争 学费 (among the lowest cost options you'll find) 和 southwest Ohio's reasonable cost of living make Cedarville’s MDiv an affordable choice for a future pastor or ministry 领袖.

可定制的 — Choose from eight tracks to customize your MDiv to your future ministry goals:

  • 学术部门
  • 圣经的护教学
  • 圣经关怀与辅导
  • 任务
  • 田园部
  • 女性的部
  • 敬拜与神学
  • 青年及家庭事工


From competitive costs to mentoring faculty relationships, learn seven reasons why Cedarville is the right choice for your Master of Divinity degree.


作为一名沙巴体育硕士研究生, you 将 be prepared to continue your studies at the doctoral level or to pursue the following ministry roles:

  • 副牧师
  • 营总监
  • 基督教教育总监
  • 教堂的种植园主
  • 传教士
  • 哲学家
  • 高级牧师
  • 作家
  • 年轻的牧师


教师互动 -当你在沙巴体育攻读硕士学位时, 你将学习, 并受…的训练, faculty members who have esteemed academic credentials 和 experience as ministers.

指导 -你将由一位经验丰富的牧师指导.

实习 — You 将 apply what you are learning in your coursework during an 实习生ship at a church or ministry setting.

铀浓缩活动 — You 将 take part in activities such as coffee talks with special guests, 专业研讨会, 牧区财务研讨会, 第九条会议, 部公平, 更多的东西会丰富你的教育 为你的事工做好准备.


入学要求 — The first step in your graduate school journey at Cedarville is to apply for admission.


费用和财政援助 -追求品质的决定, Christian graduate education represents a valuable investment in your career 和 professional development. 确保你的学位也是负担得起的, Cedarville graduate programs are competitively priced 和 can be supplemented with a variety of financial aid.


课程开始日期 -你可以在8月或1月注册并开始上课.




Learn how Cedarville's accelerated BA+MDiv program offers you a more affordable 和 quicker path to ministry.



Dr. Jason Lee explains the significance of Cedarville的Torah卷轴, 是上帝的古代图书馆赠予牛津大学的, 以及它将如何被用作学生的教学工具.

View thumbnail for 为什么选择雪松维尔而不是神学院?


Cedarville's long history of preparing students to serve in the local church 和 its accelerated, cost-saving completion options make our graduate ministry programs a great choice.


建立在本科圣经先决条件, the Advanced MDiv program includes two classes in each of the following areas: Old Testament, 新约, 和基督教神学, which provide the necessary biblical 和 theological foundation upon which more than 30 hours of practical ministry courses are built. You 将 also learn to read 和 study the Bible in the original languages of Hebrew 和 Greek.

You can add an Advanced MDiv to many of Cedarville's popular majors by following our accelerated 本科's-to-master的途径.


  • 释经书
  • 文本驱动说教


Cedarville offers both graduate 和 undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.











Associate Professor of Theology, Director of MDiv Programs



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