
About the BA in Biblical Studies Degree

Why Study Biblical Studies at Cedarville?

As a biblical studies major at Cedarville, 你会有一个强大的核心课程,为你提供对圣经的深刻理解, including the original languages of Greek and Hebrew. 你将拥有独特的圣经研究和文科核心最强的组合.

To enhance your professional preparation, 您可以添加以下浓度之一来定制您的学位,以适应您的个人事工兴趣和目标:

你也可以选择完成这个项目作为Cedarville的一部分 Accelerated BA + MDiv option, 它能让你在短短五年内完成圣经研究学士学位和神学硕士学位.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Customizable -通过添加一个浓度,您可以定制您的学位,以符合您的事工兴趣和目标.

Liberal Arts Approach -你将学习以圣经世界观为基础的核心通识教育课程. 这种文科方法会让你对基督有更广泛的影响,并在各个领域给你专业知识 that will enhance your platform for ministry.

Accelerated BA+MDiv Option沙巴体育还提供了在短短五年内完成圣经研究学士学位和神学硕士学位的选择, a faster, more affordable path to ministry.

What Can I Do With a Biblical Studies degree?

What can you do with a Bible degree? 你会发现沙巴体育圣经研究的毕业生在以下事工角色:

  • Bible teacher
  • Camp director
  • Christian education director
  • Missionary
  • Pastor
  • Philosopher
  • Writer
  • Youth Pastor


研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, experience, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

As you’re pursuing your biblical studies degree, 您的课程作业将由以下机会补充.

Student Organizations -沙巴体育提供许多事工和服务组织,帮助培养品格和事工技能. 许多圣经教师担任这些组织的顾问,并鼓励学生 to take full advantage of them. 圣经与神学研究学院赞助下列组织:

  • Chi Delta Nu, 透过祷告鼓励学生进入青年事工的组织, fellowship, and service.
  • Alpha Sigma, 一个致力于通过对圣经世界观和当代文化中心问题的哲学和神学探究来促进批判性思维的组织.

Internships 当你准备好进入全职事工时,没有什么可以代替亲身经历. 实习是获得宝贵经验和建立人际关系的最佳途径. Students from the School of 圣经和神学研究已完成实习组织,如:

  • Athletes in Action
  • Echoing Hills Village
  • Far Hills Community Church
  • Kids Alive International - Dominican Republic
  • Living Waters Bible Camp
  • Phoenix Fellowship Baptist Church – Durban, South Africa
  • Scioto Hills Camp and Retreat Center
  • TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) – Antalya, Turkey

Discipleship Ministries  —  Discipleship Ministries  offers small discipleship groups (called “d-groups”) 定期聚会祷告、问责、鼓励和查经. 担任小组领袖或成为门徒议会(DC)成员。, which helps administer d-groups. 两者都是磨练你领导能力的好方法,同时也能鼓励别人 spiritual growth on campus.

Global Outreach (GO) -利用你的春假或暑假去短期旅游 missions trip, sharing the Gospel either in the U.S. or abroad. We encourage EVERY student to take at least one GO trip!

Local Ministries -将你在教堂和课堂上学到的东西沙巴体育到你的服务中  local church ministries and  community outreach teams. 当你帮助那些你所服侍的人满足他们身体和精神上的需要时,你的信心也会增长.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 你将学习一门对圣经有深刻理解的核心课程, 包括高级神学和希腊语和希伯来语的原始语言.

Sample courses:

  • Biblical Research Methods
  • Introduction to Biblical Language Tools

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Someone writing in a notebook

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Trent Rogers

Trent Rogers, PhD

Dean of SBTS, Associate Professor of NT and Greek


Photo of Jeremy Kimble

Jeremy Kimble, PhD



Photo of Jason Lee

Jason Lee, PhD



Photo of Randy McKinion

Randy McKinion, PhD

Professor of Old Testament


Photo of Chris Miller

Chris Miller, PhD

Senior Professor of Biblical Studies


Program News